We #BuildInPublic #LearnInPublic
What we build, what we learn, is ours forever
So, today, in 2022, for full-stack and JAMstack solutions, let's continue to abandon "enterprise" monoliths and their $ "plugin" exploitation of users. Let's struggle against the means of communication as monopoly. Let's move to tomorrow's free software decoupled alternatives. Let's work together and put an end to the mystification of skills with diverse teams over elitist rockstars
Truly Content First
- We must overcome over emphasis on flashy marketing "design" and the poverty of content modelling being pushed by Big Tech, which keeps developers in ignorance of the web app development process to meet real needs
The Crux of the Matter
- What we really need to own: an open source low-complexity content and personalization model based on freely reusable and dependable no vendor lock in means of communication and production. The best, not the most complex, what fulfills true needs, not the fastest
A clear sense of history
- We need to learn the true history of all evolving societies and then of the internet in that context, so we can clearly separate Big Tech's needs and solutions from our own.
Separate the wheat from the chaff
- Which are the true innovations, which point to true socially useful adoption and which to needless complexity and hype? How has the hierarchy of the DOM declaratively been met with the directness of mainly static and edge content with the right sprinkling of continually hot distributed hydration. What do we really need to use and re-use?
Open projects here and everywhere so we can share our experience
- Recognize the worthwhile and the future-proof innovations. Deno for sure. Node + Vite (plus all UI frameworks it supports) for sure. Edged internationalist SSR + sprinkling of interactive islands plus Qwik virtual DOM restart for sure. With no boundaries. Almost everything else is pure use of that.
True progress and change for real needs
- Let's reject corporate hysteria based on greed
Free software and openly accessible low-code site builders
- We're not paying you u$s 300 a site every month. Make one, two, many free builders and servers in your city. In your neighborhood. From the Rasberry Pi in a hole in the wall to friendly businesses and NGO's who, faced with our friendly demand, will be more than willing to donate server space and load, we're sure...
Complete Freedom of Speech
- No government or businessman or even elitist cooperative should be deciding who gets their say. If all are not free to speak and have their say, it can only come back and bite the workers and people.